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Digital technologies and internet are crucial aspects of our society and they gradually influence our professional and personal life. They change the way we work, communicate, create relationships, spend our free time and they also change the way we think in everyday life. In the context of this, everyone should be able to use these technologies securely and ethically. But the reality is that these skills are often underestimated and ungrasped. Because of this, our agency is active in raising awareness of cybersecurity topic. One of the inseparable part of NCSIA is our department of education. Our department is educating various objective group. The primary object is the education of civil servants and employees of public institutions (including security forces). The secondary object of our educative activates are pupils and students of all age groups and all the levels of education. We also provide lectures and seminars for students of various universities and we cooperate with universities in preparation of cybersecurity experts. Beside those, our department also provides chosen activities for public – mainly for parents, so they are more able to raise their children in the era of digital technologies.

We create, provide and arrange*:

  • E-learning course for civil servants
  • E-learning course for managers of cybersecurity
  • E-learning course about cybersecurity risk behaviour
  • Lectures for primary object groups
  • List of organization providing lectures and seminar about cybersecurity in the Czech republic
  • Series of conferences about cybersecurity (Festival of secure internet)
  • Various online activities for children (Digital footprint, Vanda & Eda,…)
  • List of cybersecurity programs offered by Czech universities
  • Security recommendations
  • Comprehensive overviews of various education related sources

*All listed materials and activities are only available in Czech language

Contact information

If you are interested in our educative activities or products or you would like to cooperate with us. Please contact us through email